REITs Post-Pandemic

BIZ FM with Dato Stewart LaBrooy
toβ Stewart LaBrooy shares his take on the development of the REIT industry, how the industry has fared during the pandemic, and what the future holds for the different portfolios.
Investment Insider: Providing the catalyst for Selangor’s industrial parks

ASTRO AWANI Investment Insider Series
mpass @ Kota Seri Langat, jointly developed by state-linked investment fund PNB, KWEST Sdn. Bhd. and AREA group of companies is set to be a key driver of growth for the southern corridor of Selangor. Catch Investment Insider, every Saturday, 9.45pm only on channel 501.
Finance In Real Life β REIT

By FIRL with Dato Stewart LaBrooy
How do you spot a well-managed REIT?
Are there emerging trends in the REIT industry?
We welcome you to join our chairman YBhg Dato Stewart LaBrooy join in the Finance In Real Life- FIRL podcast where they will be discussing the REITs -Real Estate Investment Trusts. Learn what makes a good REIT, how to invest in one, and what the latest trends are in the Malaysian REIT market